In Memoriam Fred Lee (1949-2014)

It is with great sadness that the French Association of Political Economy has learnt that Fred Lee passed away on October 23rd. Fred was an active organizer of the heterodox community, providing others with invaluable resources while developing original research. He has played an essential role to promote heterodox economics understood as a set of theories clearly distinct from the mainstream. He showed that heterodoxy is not only a pure intellectual matter but also a community of economists with its own institutions based on integrative pluralism. He was not only a pioneer, he was a prominent voice.
Here in France we are always eager to receive the Heterodox Economics Newsletter that he initiated (then managed by Tae-Hee Jo and Ted P. Schmidt, and now by Jakob Kapeller) and we are greatful to him for the links he created between heterodox economists all over the world. His generosity and kindness will be greatly missed.

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