ASCOPE2020 is the result of the cooperation between the two networks in ABM and SFC Modelling : MACME– Modelling and Analysis of Complex Monetary Economies1, and MAGECO– Modélisation à base d’AGents pour l’ECOnomie2.
It aims to be a fundamental moment in this crucial phase, by allowing researchers from all over the world to discuss their research findings and creating linkages and networks within the AB and/or SFC community. Theoretical approaches, as well as technical and methodological contributions are highly welcome.
Submission Guidelines
Please note that only papers using the AB and/or the SFC methodology willbe reviewed.
Please submit an extended abstract (1 page minimum, 2 pages max excluding references) in pdf format to
The title of your message should read “Submission to ASCOPE 2020 / [n]”, where n is the number of the key topic of your paper (amongst the list of 9 topics listed above)
More information in the attachment.