The Association for Institutional Thought Sixth Annual Student Scholars Award Competition

The association for institutional thought sixth annual student scholars award competition

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The Association for Institutional Thought

Sixth Annual Student Scholars Award Competition

The Association for Institutional Thought (AFIT) proudly announces the Sixth Annual AFIT Student Scholars Award Competition. The aim of AFIT is to encourage undergraduate and graduate students in Economics and Political Economy to pursue research in topics within the Institutional Economics framework.

Between three and five winning papers will be selected. Winners are expected to present their research during a special session at the Annual Meetings of AFIT, held during the Western Social Science Association’s 53rd Annual Conference at the Hilton Salt Lake Center, Salt Lake City, April 13-16, 2011.

Winners will each receive:

1. $300 prize
2. One year student membership in AFIT
3. Paid WSSA Conference Registration
4. Paid admission to the AFIT Presidential Address Dinner

Winning papers must be presented at a special AFIT session in order to be eligible for the prize. Prizes will be presented during the AFIT Presidential Address Dinner.

Application Procedures and Deadlines

Papers must be between 15-25 pages in length, including references and appendices. They should be submitted electronically (preferably in Word format) by December 15, 2010 to:

Christopher Brown

Department of Economics and Finance

Arkansas State University

P.O. Box 729
State University, AR 72467-0729

Phone: (870) 972-3737


Winners will be notified by 1/15/11.

For more information about AFIT, visit our website at site at

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