Séminaire : Economie politique du changement institutionnel (EPCI)

12feb11:0012:30Séminaire : Economie politique du changement institutionnel (EPCI)

Event Details

BONNEAU Maxime (Middlesex University) : Preference falsification in a moral environment


Résumé :

We study attitude dynamics as regard to preference falsification in a moral environment. Recruited from a pre-survey where they gave their opinion about several topical issues, participants in our online experiment chose an action (basically express again the same attitude or the opposite) during 10 conditional answers. They began in the first conditional answer with nine other group members who were holding the same attitude and end up in the last one being alone with their own attitude. We find preference falsification happens in our study, though moral framing reduces significantly this phenomenon. We find also that, as the level of attitude strength increases, the resistance to falsification increases.

Plus d’informations ici : https://www.parisschoolofeconomics.eu/fr/recherche-academique/vie-academique/seminaires/eco-politique-changement-institutionnel/


12 February 2021 11:00 - 12:30(GMT+00:00)