Call for papers – Colloque international ASCOPE : Agent-Based adn stock flow consistent models for complex economies – 11th -12th June 2020 – Paris


ASCOPE2020 is the result of the cooperation between the two networks in ABM and SFC Modelling:  MACME- Modelling and Analysis of Complex Monetary Economies, and MAGECO- Modélisation à base d’AGents pour l’ECOnomie.
It aims to be a fundamental moment in this crucial phase, by allowing researchers from all over the world to discuss their research findings and creating linkages and networks within the AB and/or SFC community. Theoretical approaches, as well as technical and methodological contributions are highly welcome.In particular, we invite researchers working on Agent-based and/or Stock-flow consistent models in various fields – including economics, sociology, psychology and computer sciences – to submit contributions on the following topics:
1. AB and/or SFC models for ecological transition, sustainable development, climate change
2. Path-dependency, hysteresis and secular stagnation
3. AB and/or SFC methodology: design, calibration and validation
4. Macroeconomic AB and/or SFC models: Emergence of financially driven business fluctuations and crises, dynamics of debt, growth and technical change, multi-country models, etc.
5. AB and/or SFC models of markets: labor, finance, transport, goods and services, housing, etc.
6. Artificial intelligence and automation
7. Institutional design and change
8. Dynamics of economic and financial networks
9. Bounded rationality, learning, formation of expectations
We particularly encourage submissions on topics 1-3.
Submission guideline
Please note that only papers using the AB and/or the SFC methodology will be reviewed.
Please submit an extended abstract (1 page minimum, 2 pages max excluding references)
in pdf format to (click the link to submit !)
The title of your message should read “Submission to ASCOPE 2020 / [n]”,
where n is the number of the key topic of your paper (amongst the list of 9 topics listed above)
Important Dates
Abstract Submission December 31th , 2019
Notification of Acceptance February 15th, 2020
Registration March 1st – April 30th, 2020
Conference Dates June 11th and 12th

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