This EuroMemorandum draws on discussions and papers presented at the 17th Workshop on Alternative Economic Policy in Europe, organised by the EuroMemo Group, on 16-18 September 2011 in Vienna, Austria.
This EuroMemorandum seeks to set out a critical analysis of recent economic developments in Europe and to present the basis for possible alternative policies. It is intended as a contribution to the critical discussion in intellectual and social movements in Europe, and in solidarity with all those struggling against the impact of the deeply regressive, anti-social policies of the European authorities. The first part outlines the key economic, social and environmental developments in Europe; the second part is a critique of the policies adopted by the European authorities; and the third part is a contribution to the critical debate about possible alternatives. This EuroMemorandum will be published together with a list of signatories in early December, prior to the European Council in December.
Therefore, if you are in broad agreement with the main lines of argument of this year’s EuroMemorandum, please express your support. In order to submit your declaration of support to the EuroMemo Group, please fill in the declaration of support at the end of this email or in the attachment, and send it back by Wednesday, 7 December 2011via email to
or by fax to ++49-(0)69-4305-1764.
Please distribute the EuroMemorandum 2012 widely!
Thank you very much for your support, best wishes,
Trevor Evans, Marica Frangakis, Werner Raza, Diana Wehlau and Frieder O. Wolf
– for the EuroMemo Group Steering Committee –
Declaration of support
I support the general direction, main arguments and alternative proposals in the
EuroMemorandum 2012
European integration at the crossroads:
Democratic deepening for stability, solidarity and social justice
______Yes ______ No
First Name, Last Name:
I would like to be informed about the regular work of the working group and be invited to their meetings. Please add my email-address to the mailing list of the EuroMemo Group.
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I would like to support the EuroMemo Group financially with a donation. Please send me further information on how to support the EuroMemo Group financially.
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Please return this form to the EuroMemo Group by 7 December 2011
· by e-mail to
· or by fax to: ++49-(0)69-4305-1764.
European Economists for an Alternative Economic Policy in Europe
EuroMemo Group
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