In 1930, John Maynard Keynes wrote his famous essay where he tried to anticipate the economic situation which would prevail 100 years later. 90 years ahead, two questions can be addressed:
I) How has the economy evolved since the 1930s;
II) How do Keynes’ grandchildren now imagine the economy for their own grandchildren? The conference welcomes papers dealing with these two questions.
The conference will also try to anticipate the economic future of our own grandchildren.
– How can we anticipate the economic situation at the end of the XXIst century?
– Are we able to promote economic policies dealing with the ecological problem?
– What are the monetary and financial reforms needed to shape a more stable economic environment?
– “Paper proposal”: on the conference theme and/or within the scope of Post-Keynesian
economics and its relation to other Keynesian schools of thought;
– “Panel proposal” (one coordinator, one theme, and three to four contributors);
– Please submit your proposal(s) via the website:
– For informations, please contact:
– June 26, 2020: Deadline for submission of abstracts (less than 200 words);
– July 11, 2020: Notification of acceptance/rejection;
– October 9, 2020: Deadline for early registration;
– November 20, 2020: Deadline for late registration and for submission of full papers.