Like every year, EAEPE currently invites submissions of a recently published article for the annual *EAEPE-Kapp Prize* competition.
EAEPE is the largest pluralist economic association in Europe, and will announce the Kapp Prize winner at its Annual Conference in Manchester (UK) on 3-5 November 2016.
More information on EAEPE and its initiatives can be found at
All papers, normally not exceeding 12000 words, are eligible for the EAEPE-Kapp Prize, if published in a scholarly journal in the past 2 years (i.e. no older than 1 January 2014 for the 2016 competition).
The closing date to submit a paper is *31 January 2016*.
Only one entry per author will be considered, and applicants must be paid-up members of EAEPE for the year of the competition (i.e. 2016).
Any member of the EAEPE Council, or Trustee of the Foundation for European Economic Development (FEED) serving at any time from 1 January of the year before the year of competition to 1 July of the year of the competition inclusive, shall be ineligible to participate.
To submit a paper, please send a PDF version (including any relevant annex) at
or send five non-returnable paper copies at
Carlo D’Ippoliti,
Sapienza University of Rome,
Viale Regina Elena 295, 00161 Rome, Italy”