The 33rd Annual EAEPE Conference 2021 – Recovery from the Covid-19 Pandemic : Re-thinking the role of the State towards safe, cohesive, sustainable, and innovative economies
2-4 September 2021 – ONLINE CONFERENCE
The 7th EAEPE Pre-Conference for young scholars
1-2 September 2021
Since early 2020, Covid-19 pandemics have shocked the world economy. Most governments and economic actors were taken by surprise while the pandemic’s economic and societal damages was aggravated by an initial underestimation of and sustained uncertainty surrounding the new virus. During 2020, GDP has dropped by more than 10% even in the leading high-income countries. The emergency has stimulated unprecedented adaptation efforts in areas such as labour (smart working), education (distance learning), consumption (e-commerce), manufacturing (to face the shortage of face-masks and other sanitary equipment) and of course health (faster building of intensive care units; innovative testing for vaccines). Furthermore, it has highlighted the dangers of privatising the health sector and of international specialisation patterns that deprived some countries of strategic technological competences. Governments and central banks have carried the heaviest load in leading economies out of the first pandemic wave and in mitigating a second one. Many advanced economies have implemented welfare and labour market policies to avoid an otherwise dramatic increase in unemployment, whereas the ability of countries in the Global South to use fiscal and monetary policies was much lower. The European Union has suspended the Stability and Growth Pact obligations and has adopted programmes such as SURE and the Recovery Fund / NextGenerationEU. The European Central Bank has stepped up its purchases of government and corporate debt. Such programmes can take the pandemic as an opportunity for greening and digitalising the economy, but so far environmental conditionality’s have not been attached to fiscal and monetary policy programmes …
Switching to Online Conference
We would dearly like to meet you in person in Naples this year but anticipate such a wide range of uncertainties that we are going to plan to hold an online conference. To be clear, the EAEPE Council is committed to returning to a face to face conference as soon as possible, but we felt that variations in vaccine distribution, viral evolution and shifts in personal and institutional priorities, made a fully face to face conference too challenging. For those who are still able to attend a meeting in Naples we do plan to offer limited support to show our commitment to returning to our traditional conferences as soon as possible. But this will not be on the same scale as our normal conference. All plenaries, panels, prizes and paper presentations will be delivered online.
Abstract Submission
You are invited to submit an extended abstract no later than 1st April 2021 on the conference website. Following the usual format, prospective participants are invited to submit a paper related either to the theme of the conference or one of the diverse EAEPE Research Areas as well as special sessions. Abstracts (300-750 words) should include the following information: authors’ names, email addresses and, affiliations, and name and code of the relevant research area. Following notification of acceptance, you will be invited to submit the full paper. Please have in mind that only one presentation per author is allowed; additional papers can be submitted by the same author but need to be presented by a registered co-author, if accepted by the scientific committee in advance.
Online Abstract Submission
Online Special Session Submission
The 7th EAEPE pre-conference for young scholars will take place online during 1-2 September 2021 and will consist of a series of workshops related to the main theme of the conference. Attendance based on registration. For any questions please contact the pre-conference team via For previous pre-conference editions please visit the archives.