Summer school “Applied Stock-Flow consistent and Agent-based Macro-modelling” will take place in Paris from July 17th-22nd, 2017

Dear colleagues and friends,

We are really pleased to call for application for the Summer school “Applied Stock-Flow consistent and Agent-based Macro-modelling” will take place in Paris from July 17th-22nd, 2017.

The aim of this event is to continue the successful tradition of the winter schools and workshops on stock-flow consistent (SFC) and agent-based modelling which took place at the University of Limerick between 2013 and 2015 as well as the summer school on the same theme which took place at Kingston University in 2016. This summer school at Université Paris 13 will contribute bring together some leading experts of the SFC and agent-based approaches who will give an intensive one-week course to a group of interested young economists.

If you are a highly motivated student of economics at the Master’s or Ph.D. level, or if you are working with a research centre or a public institution, and have a strong interest in stock-flow consistent (SFC) and/or agent-based (AB) modelling and their applications, this summer school offers you a unique opportunity to participate in an intensive, one-week course about these approaches. Courses will be taught by international leading experts. If you are already working on a project incorporating SFC and/or AB approaches, the summer school offers you the chance to discuss your work and to resolve any issue requiring expert support. This summer school is also an excellent opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas with participants who are equally interested in similar issues.

Due to limited funding and for logistical reasons, we restrict the number of participants to 25. We will thus only consider applicants who can demonstrate a strong interest in as well as some previous knowledge of the field.

The deadline for applications is March 31st, 2017, 23:59. The fee for participation is 100€ which includes accommodation, lunches and coffee as well as one social dinner. Due to limited funding, we cannot provide support to cover travel costs.

Further information about the content of the school, the required preliminary knowledge, the application content and procedure is available here

Please do not hesitate to circulate the information about this summer school.

Best wishes,

Dany Lang



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