Call for support: EuroMemorandum 2013

Dear colleagues, friends and supporters of the EuroMemo Group,

We are pleased to send you the EuroMemorandum 2013:

The deepening crisis in the European Union:
The need for a fundamental change

This EuroMemorandum draws on discussions and papers presented at the 18th Workshop on Alternative Economic Policy in Europe, organised by the EuroMemo Group, from 28-30 September 2012 in Poznan, Poland.

Article original

The European Union is facing an increasingly severe crisis. The EuroMemorandum 2013 critically analyses recent economic developments in Europe and emphasises the need for an alternative economic policy. Neo-liberal policies adopted by European and national authorities in response to the crisis have exacerbated unemployment and social hardship across much of Europe. The EuroMemorandum is intended as a contribution to developing initiatives by intellectual and social movements to promote greater coordination among movements at a European level and a different Europe that is based on the principles of democratic participation, social justice and environmental sustainability.

In contrast to previous years, the chapters in this EuroMemorandum are organised by theme. In each key developments in the past year are outlined first, before some of the main problems with the policies adopted by European and national authorities are identified and the basis for an alternative approach is sketched out. The EuroMemorandum 2013 will be published together with a list of signatories in mid December.

Therefore, if you are in broad agreement with the main lines of argument of this year’s EuroMemorandum, please express your support. In order to submit your declaration of support to the EuroMemo Group, please fill in the declaration of support at the end of this email or in the attachment, and send it back by

Monday, 10 December 2012

Euromemo 2013
Declaration of support

via email to

Please distribute the EuroMemorandum 2013 widely.

Thank you very much for your support and best wishes,

Stefanie Marie Scholz

– for the EuroMemo Group Steering Committee –

Declaration of support

I support the general direction, main arguments and proposals in the

EuroMemorandum 2013

The deepening crisis in the European Union:
The need for a fundamental change

______ Yes ______ No

Name: ________________________________________________________________

Institution: _____________________________________________________________

Street: ________________________________________________________________

City/Country: ___________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________ Fax: _______________________________

e-mail: ________________________________________________________________

I would like to be informed about the regular work of the working group and be invited to their meetings. Please add my email-address to the mailing list of the EuroMemo Group.

______ Yes ______ No


Appeal for financial support

Many thanks to all who support the EuroMemo Group financially. To ensure that our administrative worker can be financed, it is important that supporters of the EuroMemo Group provide for this. Please do consider making a donation. We would particularly encourage supporters in the euro area to consider making a regular contribution by standing order.

I would like to support the work of the EuroMemo Group with a

single _

monthly _

quarterly _

biannual _

annual _

donation of € ________.

Therefore, I will transfer a single donation or set up a standing order to the following account: Account name: PIW

Subject: EuroMemo Group

Name of the Bank: Postbank Hamburg

Bank code 200 100 20, Account Nr. 619 128 207

IBAN: DE12200100200619128207


European Economists for an Alternative Economic Policy in Europe
EuroMemo Group

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