The Cambridge Journal of Economics 2020 conference is to be held at Newnham College, Cambridge. The conference will provide a forum for the presentation of work that advances heterodox economics. The conference will be held on 8 and 9 September 2020. There will be a conference dinner on the evening of 8 September 2020.
Call for papers submissions
Submissions of abstracts (maximum 500 words) are welcomed in any area of heterodox economics and related social science disciplines. The conference organisers are particularly interested to receive submissions that relate to the themes listed above. Submitted abstracts will be considered by the Editorial Board of the Cambridge Journal of Economics.
Abstract submission deadline: 6th January 2020
Please send your abstract as a Word attachment by email directly to
Please indicate at the top of the page the theme (or themes) from the above list to which your abstract relates.
Further details for the Call for Papers are on available to download HERE.
Notification of acceptance by 6th March 2020